New Scientist are forever printing questions like "Does God Eat Wasps" and suchlike in their Last Word column, and subsequently reprinting these questions in rather successful books. One was titled "Why Don't Penguins Feet Freeze?" I've not got s copy of this book myself, but I daresay at some point some wag said "probably the same reason that woolly mammoths managed to stay alive in freezing temperatures." Well, I don't know about penguins, might be something to do with minimal blood flow in the feet at a guess. However, we can answer the
question about mammoths now.
It turns out they had antifreeze in their blood. Blimey. Reminds me a little of a quote about
Jim Morrison I saw recently. Based on video footage of that crazy so-and-so where he was slurring incoherently someone commented "what's the matter with him, was he on drugs or something?" The in-no-way-funny reply to this was: "I think they found some blood in his alcohol."
Ho ho!